Jennifer Ann's Group Apps

The Guardian: TDV Missions 1.0.4
"Necessary and educational." - Anna Grace,Appszoom..In this unique educational game you play as ►The Guardian◄ and areassigned three young people who need your help to recognize abusivedating behavior. The Guardian accomplishes this through threeunique types of gameplay...☺☺☺☺☺ GAMEPLAY ☺☺☺☺☺.Stage ONE: Tap -n- Fly.First you will need to fly over, under, and around obstacles to getto your young charge when you recognize abusive behavior!.Will you be flying at night or during the day? Will it be in clearweather or through the rain? Guess what ... ? It depends on thetime of day and the weather where YOU are because The Guardiandynamically updates based on your location, time of day, andcurrent weather!.Will a rainy day game be different than playing with clear skies atnight???.Stage TWO: Answer the Quiz.Once you get to your young charge you need to alert them to theabuse - but you can only do this if you are able to accuratelyidentify the type of abuse involved! How much do you know aboutcontrolling behavior? Or about alcohol abuse? Digital abuse?Sexting? To help your teen you will need to be able to identify allof these warning signs of an abusive relationship - and manymore!.Stage THREE: Rotate to Gain Confidence and Support.After successfully addressing three types of abuse for your teen itis time to encourage them to seek help - using your smartphone ortablet you will be tilt-ing them in the right direction!.When you have successfully helped one of your teens you aren'tfinished - you have a total of three teens that need your help sothere's no time to rest on your wings! Can you help all three ofyour young people and earn your golden wings?."The Guardian" is the award-winning video game from the 2014Life.Love. Game Design Challenge. The Guardian, playable in bothEnglish and Spanish, is designed and developed to help teens,parents, and teachers understand teen dating violence..♪♫♪♫♪ PRAISE AND AWARDS ♫♪♫♪♫."A recommended app in high schools ... necessary and educational."- Appszoom."I loved that you used three age groups and that both genders wererepresented; great job!" - Dr. Elizabeth L. Richeson,Psychologist."Outstanding! Amazing effort." - Simon Carless, Chairman Emeritusof the Independent Games Festival."Excellent style and graphics." Professor Jon A. Preston, ProgramCoordinator, Computer Game Design and Development at SPSU.1st Place, 2014 Life.Love. Game Design Challenge.♂♀ ♂♂ ♀♀ TEEN DATING VIOLENCE ♂♀ ♂♂ ♀♀.The Guardian: TDV Missions is a fantastic casual educational gamecreated to protect teens, tweens, and young adults from teen datingviolence, a problem which affects 44% of all students by the timethey graduate from college. Teen dating violence is more than justphysical or sexual abuse, it also includes emotional,psychological, and verbal abuse too . . . and it can happen toanybody regardless of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status . . .it is an equal opportunity problem and awareness is critical toprevention...♥♥♥♥♥ JENNIFER ANN'S GROUP ♥♥♥♥♥.This game is brought to you by Jennifer Ann's Group, a nonprofitcharity which has been producing video games to protect teens fromdating violence since 2008. Jennifer Ann's Group is named in memoryof Jennifer Ann Crecente, a high school senior killed by herex-boyfriend. In her name we are protecting teens from dating abusethrough awareness, education, and advocacy..► ► ► Together we will #stopTDV ◄ ◄ ◄.
Love in the Dumpster 1.1.2
Love in the Dumpster, an award winningvideogame from the Life.Love. Game Design Challenge, was developedbyJean HEHN of Another Kind in Brussels, Belgium. This ambitiousgamepresents teen dating violence in seven acts, providing playerstheopportunity to experience dating violence from the perspectiveofboth Lily and Tomas. The developer explains, "I tried to writeanengaging story and dialogue and included two main characters(ofboth genders) to try and have people relate to them, and alsoshowthat both genders can be victims."Tomas Rawlings, writing for the Huffington Post in “Call ofMoralDuty – Making Games for Change” calls the game “a quirkynarrativedriven experience that has the player dealing with theups and downof high school dating” and Stephanie Duchenne ofGameZone writes in“Love in the Dumpster: a game about toxicrelationships” that thegame “provides a rather eloquent method ofoutlining significantphrases and behaviours that will help one toidentify an abusiverelationship.”Video games are an ideal tool for confronting and preventingteendating violence. Through a video game adolescents are abletoexplore specific aspects of dating abuse at their own pace andinthe privacy of their home without feeling “preached to” byparents,teachers, or counselors.
Break Free 1.0
► GAMEPLAY ◄Help Liz break free of her abusive relationship byavoidingMike's negative words and seeking support from friends andfamily.Using the on-screen arrows, navigate Liz across town toreach hergoals of finding support and safety in order to leave anabusiverelationship.Learn more about the warning signs of an abusiverelationship,and the steps to help support friends in an unsafesituation."Break Free" from Anindya Mathur in India is one oftheaward-winning games from the 2014 Life.Love. GameDesignChallenge.Break Free is a great educational casual game for teens,parents,and teachers to learn about teen dating violence and is aperfectgame for short breaks!♥ REVIEWS AND AWARDS ♥• Award-winning game from the 2014 Life.Love. GameDesignChallenge• "Every parent, youth, school, college MUST use it toeducatekids"• "Gaming is a great way to educate kids aboutdatingviolence"• "Innovative concept"
Another Chance 1.1
Another Chance is an award-winning educational game designed toeducate students, parents, and teachers about teen dating violence.In Another Chance you are Emily who wakes confused: Where is herboyfriend? What are those strange lights and eerie sounds? The onlyway to get to the bottom of this mystery she must explore herworld, talking with villagers along the way. Join Emily on herjourney and learn about the difference between healthy andunhealthy attitudes and behaviors in dating relationships. AnotherChance, the winning game of the 2015 Life.Love. Game DesignChallenge was developed by Jean HEHN of Another Kind, the developerbehind the award-winning games "Finding Jane" and "Love in theDumpster" which also focus on educating young people about abusivedating relationships. Another Chance, like all games produced byJennifer Ann's Group is completely free. There are no in-gamepurchases and no "limited" versions. At Jennifer Ann's Group ourgoal is to stop teen dating violence through awareness, education,and advocacy. These free video games are a significant resourcewhich we provide to help students, parents, and teachers learn moreabout the complicated and nuanced issue of abuse. Jennifer Ann'sGroup is a nonprofit charity with its headquarters in Atlanta.Jennifer Ann's Group has been producing video games since 2008 andhave produced 20+ video games focused on teen dating violence. Inaddition to producing video games they also speak at conferencesabout the effectiveness of using video games to prevent violence.The organization was formed in 2006 in memory of Jennifer AnnCrecente, a high school senior who was killed by her ex-boyfriend.Jennifer Ann's Group was founded, and is run by, her father. Formore video games focusing on issues which affect adolescents visit and for other free resources on teen datingviolence visit
Honeymoon 1.1
Honeymoon is an award winning video gameaboutteen dating relationships.In Honeymoon you select your gender as well as the gender ofyourcrush, a helpful reminder that dating abuse can affectanybodyregardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Leaving 1
"Leaving" is an award-winning video game which illustrates thedifficulty in leaving an abusive dating relationship.
Rispek Danis 1.0.2
‘Rispek Danis’ is a video game developed collaborativelybetweenWorld Vision Vanuatu and Jennifer Ann’s Group to produceaculturally relevant video game intended to teach young peopleaboutthe meaning and importance of consent. This game has beendesignedfor World Vision International’s ‘It Takes a WorldCampaign’ whichin Vanuatu is focused on preventing sexual violenceagainst womenand children in Vanuatu. Jennifer Ann’sGroup: World VisionVanuatu: It Takes aWorld:
Stuck in a Dark Place 1.0
Stuck in a Dark Place explores the meaning of consent and manywayswe are affected when it is ignored. Content warning: This gamedoesinclude several scenarios about sexual assault. There is asettingin the game options that allows you to skip the moretroublingscenes.
Grace's Diary 2.0
UPDATE: The problem causing Grace's Diary to crash on Android 5+hasbeen fixed :-) Thank you to HIMA for their ongoingsupport!***************************** You are Grace and areconcerned aboutyour friend Natalie. Natalie's behavior has changedsince shestarted dating her current boyfriend. Grace wants to callNatalieand talk about her concerns, but knows that Natalie won'tlisten toher unless she has sufficient information to supportthoseconcerns. Investigate Grace's room to unearth memoriesandinformation in order to make that important call to Natalie.Onlyif you find sufficient information and make the proper choiceswillyou have a successful conversation with your friend. ► ThereareTHREE different outcomes - can you find the one that helpsyourfriend? ◄ "Grace's Diary" integrates information about teendatingviolence into an award winning point and click game. Note:Thereare several reviews indicating that the game crashed for them.Wehave tried to replicate this ourselves but have not hadANYproblems with the game. Google Play only reports 1 incidentofGrace's Diary crashing. If you have problems feel free tocontactus with more info so that we can help! =====Reviews andAwards=====Wired, Geek Dad "I was surprised how much I learnedabout my ownrelationships as well as having some really usefulconversationswith my family about establishing healthy boundaries."GamePeople"I approached Grace's Diary quite sure I had neverencountereddating violence. But playing caused me to stop andremember back towhen I was a teenager, and I realised that wasn'tcompletely true."JayIsGames 4 1/2 out of 5 ***** GamerzStationBrowser Game of theWeek =====About Jennifer Ann's Group=====Jennifer Ann's Group is anonprofit charity preventing teen datingviolence throughawareness, education, and advocacy. Since 2008 theyhave beenproducing video games to prevent teen dating violence andare theworld leader in producing video games to prevent violence.Visitour newest site at to learn more about ourfreevideo games designed to help teens with bullying, datingabuse,suicide prevention, teenage pregnancy, and more.